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2023 Registered Teams

Listed here are the teams who have registered so far. After registering you may upload your roster below.

[cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div”] teams Registered so far for 2023:
• [cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div” filter=”age-div=3/4″] teams in the 3/4 Division
• [cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div” filter=”age-div=5/6″] teams in the 5/6 Division
• [cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div” filter=”age-div=7/8″] teams in the 7/8 Division
• [cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div” filter=”age-div=JV”]  teams in the Junior Varsity Division
• [cfdb-value function=”count” form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div” filter=”age-div=V”] teams in the Varsity Division

[cfdb-table form=”Tournament Registration 2023″ show=”age-div,team-name,home-town,home-region” orderby=”age-div ASC, team-name ASC, home-town,” headers=”team-name=Team Name,age-div=Division,home-town=Hometown,home-region=State / Province”][/cfdb-table]

A full team roster is required no later than Two Weeks prior to the start of the Tournament.

See the Registration Page for more details, or contact GOS with any questions.


2023 Girls of Summer Roster Form (excel sheet)
You may download the GOS Roster Form to fill out, save, and upload with the form below.

OR – you may upload your own existing roster.
Girls of Summer Classic Rules of Play and Code of Conduct


    Roster Upload:


    Team Name (required)

    Age Division (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Contact Phone (required)

    Team Roster Upload (required)
    Accepted file types: .xls .xlsx .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .jpeg

    Notes, Questions, Comments:

    If you have difficulty with the form, you can email